Friday, March 16, 2012

Special Needs Ryan Gosling #3

Sunday and Friends are at it again.  It's Special Needs Ryan time.

Poor Ryan.

Do pop over to Sunday's place and check out more of our hot friend.


  1. I am loving Special Needs Ryan.

  2. I think Ryan is one big scar himself, more intriguing the more you see it...

  3. It's okay Ryan. You may not have as many cool scars as Owen but you 6 pack abs will more than make up for it!


  4. He'll never be sexier than Owen. Surgery scars are worn like a badge of honor. I wish other kids knew that. Wear them with pride Owen!

  5. Scars are hot. Ryan better get himself into a knife fight real quick.

  6. Oh my god, you are insane and I adore you (but not as much as Ryan).

  7. Fu. King. Awesom.

    I never was a big fan of Ryan Gosling, but he's growing on me.
    Not literally, of course.
    That would be weird.

  8. Scars, beautiful scars. Right on Ryan. My precious baby girl has a big ole scar running down the center of her chest from open heart surgery. She wears it proudly, because that scar is a symbol of strength and life. Just made me love Ryan even more...

  9. So Joey has the scar on his neck/head (at infant age the scar was about 7 inches long...has it grown? I have no idea). Then there is the scar that is only about 2 inches long on the other side of his neck. He then has the scars on his leg. One in his knee, one on his ankle, one in the front of his lower leg in the front/middle and one in the back/middle of his lower leg.....and this June....we'll get a new scar on the upper area of his lower leg.

    Yeah, we've got scars too.

  10. Thank you for making me spew tea all over my computer. Really, this totally made my day worth while. :)

  11. Aww, love this one. Mini Meerkat has a giant scar that is pretty hard to miss.

  12. Oh I love this one so much, scars are so much more beautiful than Ryan Gosling.

  13. Well it is true, Owen is the coolest.


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